Friday, 1 May 2009


Storage Facilities The Flixborough disaster (Lees, 1980) occurred on June 1, 1974, and involved a large, unconfined vapor cloud explosion (or explosions—there may have been two) and fire that killed 28 people and injured 36 at the plant and many more in the surrounding area. The entire chemical plant was demolished and 1821 houses and 167 shops were damaged. The results of the Flixborough investigation made it clear that the large inventory of flammable material in the process plant contributed to the scale of the disaster. It was concluded that “limitations of inventory should be taken as specific design objectives in major hazard installations.” It should be noted, however, that reduction of inventory may require more frequent and smaller shipments and improved

Minimal Use of Underground Tanks
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Office of Underground Storage Tanks
defines underground tanks as those with 10 percent of more of their volume, including piping, underground. An aboveground tank that does not have more than 10 percent of its volume (including piping) underground is excluded from the underground tank regulations. Note, however, that a 5000-gal tank sitting wholly atop the ground but having 1400 ft of 3-in buried pipe or 350 ft of 6-in buried pipe is considered an underground storage tank. At one time, burying tanks was recommended because it minimized the need for a fire protection system, dikes, and distance separation. At many companies this is no longer considered good practice. Mounding, or burying tanks above grade, has most of the same problems as burying tanks below ground and is usually not recommended. Problems with buried tanks include:
• Difficulty in monitoring interior and exterior corrosion (shell
• Difficulty in detecting leaks
• Difficulty of repairing a tank if the surrounding earth is saturated
with chemicals from a leak
• Potential contamination of groundwater due to leakage.

Governmental regulations concerning buried tanks are becoming stricter. This is because of the large number of leaking tanks that have been identified as causing adverse environmental and human health problems. Consequences of Leaking Underground Tanks The following is a real possibility (Russell and Hart, 1987). A site where an underground tank has been used is found to have leaked. If the leak is not cleaned up to “background” levels by the time an environmental regulatory agency is involved, the agency may decide that a portion of the plant must be designated as a waste disposal site. The plant could then be required to provide a waste site closure plan, hold public hearings, place deed restrictions on the plant property, and, finally, provide a bond that would cover the cost of closing the site and also analyzing and sampling groundwater for up to 30 years. Product leaking from an underground storage tank will migrate
downward until it encounters the water table, where it will then flow with the groundwater, leaving a long trail of contaminated soil. Above the water table, some product will be absorbed on the soil particles and in the pore space between the soil particles. If the soil is later saturated by water, product stored in the pore spaces may be released, causing a reappearance of the free product and movement of the material into previously unaffected soil. The scope of the problem was revealed by the USEPA in 1983 management.

There may be more chances for errors in connecting and reconnecting with small shipments. Quantitative risk analysis of storage facilities has revealed solutions that may run counter to intuition (Schaller, Plant/Operations Progress, 9(1), 1990). For example, reducing inventories in tanks of hazardous materials does little to reduce risk in situations where most of the exposure arises from the number and extent of valves, nozzles, and lines connecting the tank. Removing tanks from service altogether, on the other hand, helps. A large pressure vessel may offer greater safety than several small pressure vessels of the same aggregate capacity because there are fewer associated nozzles and lines. Also, a large pressure vessel is inherently more robust, or it can economically be made more robust by deliberate overdesign than can a number of small vessels of the same design pressure. On the other hand, if the larger vessel has larger connecting
lines, the relative risk may be greater if release rates through the larger lines increase the risk more than the inherently greater strength of the vessel reduces it. In transporting hazardous materials, maintaining tank car integrity in a derailment is often the most important line of defense in transportation of hazardous materials.

Safer Storage Conditions
The hazards associated with storage facilities can often be reduced significantly by changing storage conditions. The primary objective is to reduce the driving force available to transport the hazardous material into the atmosphere in case of a leak (Hendershot, 1988). Some methods to accomplish this follow. Dilution Dilution of a low-boiling hazardous material reduces the hazard in two ways:
1. The vapor pressure is reduced. This has a significant effect on the rate of release of material boiling at less than ambient temperature. It may be possible to store an aqueous solution at atmospheric pressure, such as aqueous ammonium hydroxide instead of anhydrous ammonia.
2. In the event of a spill, the atmospheric concentration of the hazardous material will be reduced, resulting in a smaller hazard downwind of the spill.

Design of Liquid Storage So Leaks and Spills Do Not Accumulate Under Tanks or Equipment

Around storage and process equipment, it is a good idea to design dikes that will not allow toxic and flammable materials to accumulate around the bottom of tanks or equipment in case of a spill. If liquid is spilled and ignites inside a dike where there are storage tanks or process equipment, the fire may be continuously supplied with fuel and the consequences can be severe. It is usually much better to direct possible spills and leaks to an area away from the tank or equipment and provide a fire wall to shield the equipment from most of the flames if a fire occurs. The discussion on BLEVEs later in this section shows a design for diking for directing leaks and spills to an area away from tanks and equipment. The surface area of a spill should be minimized for materials that are highly toxic and have a significant vapor pressure at ambient conditions, such as acrylonitrile or chlorine.

This will make it easier and more practical to collect vapor from a spill or to suppress vapor release with foam. This may require a deeper nondrained dike area than normal or some other design that will minimize surface area, in order to contain the required volume. It is usually not desirable to cover a diked area to restrict loss of vapor if the spill consists of a flammable or combustible material. when it reported that, in the United States, 11 million gallons of gasoline seep into the soil each year. Just one gallon of gasoline can make one million gallons of water unsafe to drink; one ounce would pollute an Olympic-size swimming pool full of drinking water. Most of the contaminated sites the USEPA has documented involve corroded single-wall steel tanks and piping that have been in the ground for at least 16 years (Semonelli, “Secondary Containment of Underground Storage Tanks,” Chem. Eng. Prog., June 1990). A number of states
have enacted laws setting standards for underground storage tanks. The USEPA has issued regulations requiring notification to the appropriate regulatory agency about age, condition, and size for underground storage tanks containing commercial chemical products.

Secondary Containment for Underground Storage Acceptable secondary containment systems for underground storage are described as barriers either integral to the tank system design (such as double-walled tanks or double-walled pipes) or located within the underground storage tank system that present a barrier between all parts of the underground storage tank system and the environment. Double-walled tanks and piping should be considered for above ground tanks and piping containing highly toxic liquids. Concrete and fiberglass vaults are often used, although they can be subject to environmentally induced cracks. Soil and clay liners are not allowed. Flexible liner systems have been developed that may be a cost-effective and environmentally sound alternative. State-of-the-art liner technology has overcome many of the previous problems with seams, low mechanical strength, and chemical resistance.

Piping Systems for Underground Service An important consideration is the USEPA’s concern over piping systems. For all underground storage tank systems, performance standards consistent with those for tanks were set for pipes and pipe systems. There is evidence that 84 percent of underground storage tank system test failures are due to loose tank fittings or faulty piping. Piping releases occur twice as often as tank releases. In particular, loose joints tend to occur. For hazardous substance underground storage tank systems, there are two options: trench liners and double-walled pipes. Double-walled pipes are difficult to assemble and are subject to failure caused by service conditions, such as frost heaves or pressure from above. Flexible trench liners (discussed previously) are becoming a popular solution to secondary containment of piping systems. Detecting Leaks Small leaks are difficult to detect. The USEPA and American Petroleum Institute standard for nonleaking underground tanks is 0.05 gal/h (3.15 cm3/min), above which a tank is considered to be leaking. Leak detection measurements can be influenced by many factors, making it difficult to detect small leaks.

Corrosion Problems Tanks subject to internal corrosion are not good choices for underground service because of the necessity of monitoring wall thickness. Underground tanks and piping of carbon steel should be considered for corrosion protection measures such as external tarlike coatings and magnesium anodes. Joints in underground piping should be minimized by welding. Pipes may use a combination of wrapping and sprayed-on coatings. When flanges are necessary, such as with valves, external coatings should be used. Summary of Use of Underground Tanks Because of more stringent regulatory requirements, potential future liabilities, and the cost of building and operating underground storage tank systems, it may be inherently safer to use aboveground storage with suitable spacing, diking, and fire protection facilities. With modern technology, if it is necessary, it is possible to design underground storage systems with a high degree of integrity and which will make leaks to the environment highly unlikely, but the cost may be high.

Design of Tanks, Piping, and Pumps Six basic tank designs are used for the storage of organic liquids: (1) fixed roof, (2) external floating roof, (3) internal floating roof, (4) variable vapor space, (5) lowpressure tanks, and (6) high-pressure tanks. The first four tank designs listed are not generally considered suitable for highly toxic hazardous materials.

Low-Pressure Tanks (below 15 psig) Low-pressure storage tanks for highly hazardous toxic materials should meet, as a minimum, the American Petroleum Institute (API) 620 Standard, “Recommended Rules for the Design and Construction of Large Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks” (API Standards). This standard covers tanks designed for all pressures under 15 psig. There are no specific requirements in API 620 for highly hazardous toxic materials. API 650, “Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage” (API Standards) has limited applicability to storage of highly hazardous toxic materials because it prohibits refrigerated service and limits pressures to
2.5 psig and only if designed for certain conditions. Most API 650 tanks have a working pressure approaching atmospheric pressure and hence their pressure-relieving devices must vent directly to the atmosphere.

Its safety factors and welding controls are less stringent than required by API 620. Another reference for the design of lowpressure storage tanks may be found in ANSI/API-620-1986. Horizontal and vertical cylindrical tanks are used to store highly toxic liquids at atmospheric pressure. Horizontal, vertical, and spherical tanks are used for refrigerated liquefied gases that are stored at atmospheric pressure. The design pressure of tanks for atmospheric and low-pressure storage at ambient temperature should not be less than 100 percent of the vapor pressure of the material at the maximum design temperature. The maximum design metal temperature to be used takes into consideration the maximum temperature of material entering the tank and the maximum ambient temperature, including solar radiation effects. Since discharges of vapors from highly hazardous toxic materials cannot simply be released to the atmosphere, the use of a weak seam roof is not normally acceptable. It is best that tanks be designed and stamped for 15 psig to provide maximum safety, and pressure relief systems must be provided to vent to equipment that can collect, contain, and treat the effluent.

The minimum design temperature should be the lowest temperature to which the tank will be subjected, taking into consideration the minimum temperature of material entering the tank, the minimum temperature to which the material may be autorefrigerated by rapid evaporation of low-boiling liquids or mechanically refrigerated, and the minimum ambient temperature of the area where the tank is located. API 620 provides for installations in areas where the lowest recorded one-day mean temperature is -50°F. While either rupture disks or relief valves are allowed on storage tanks by Code, rupture disks by themselves should not be used on tanks for the storage of highly hazardous toxic materials since they do not close after opening and may lead to continuing release of toxic material to the atmosphere.

The API 620 Code requires a combined pneumatic hydrotest at 125 percent of design tank loading. In tanks designed for low-density liquid, the upper portion is not fully tested. For highly hazardous toxic materials, consideration should be given for hydrotesting at the maximum specified design liquid level. It may be required that the lower shell thickness be increased to withstand a full head of water and that the foundation be designed such that it can support a tank full of water or the density of the liquid if it is greater than water. Testing in this manner not only tests the containment capability of the tank, but it also provides an overload test for the tank and the foundation similar to the overload test for pressure vessels. API 620 also requires radiography. Proper preparation of the subgrade and grade is extremely important for tanks that are to rest directly on grade. Precautions should be taken to prevent ground freezing under refrigerated tanks, as this can cause the ground to heave and damage the foundation or the tank.
Designing for free air circulation under the tank is a method for passive protection from ground freezing. Steels lose their ductility at low temperatures and can become subject to brittle failure. There are specific requirements for metals to be used for refrigerated storage tanks in API 620, Appendices Q and R. Corrosive chemicals and external exposure can cause tank failure. Materials of construction should be chosen so that they are compatible with the chemicals and exposure involved. Welding reduces the corrosion resistance of many alloys, leading to localized attack at the heat-affected zones. This may be prevented by the use of the proper alloys and weld materials, in some cases combined with annealing heat treatment.

External corrosion can occur under insulation, especially if the weather barrier is not maintained or if the tank is operating at conditions at which condensation is likely. This form of attack is hidden and may be unnoticed for a long time. Inspection holes and plugs should be installed in the insulation to monitor possible corrosion under the insulation.

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