Monday, 20 April 2009

Unconfined Vapor Cloud Explosions (UVCEs)

Unconfined vapor cloud explosions (also known as vapor cloud explosions) in open air often result when accidental releases of vapors or gases to the atmosphere are ignited. Astonishingly high pressure can result from an unconfined vapor cloud explosion; 70 kPa (10 psi) or so may occur at the outer edge of the exploding cloud, with still higher pressures near the center of the blast. Numerous severe explosions of this nature have occurred in past years (Lenoir and Davenport, “A Survey of Vapor Cloud Explosions: Second Update,” Process Safety Prog., vol. 12, no. 1, January 1993, pp. 12–33).

In a survey of property damage losses in 100 large losses in the hydrocarbon-chemical industries, M & M Protection Consultants of Marsh & McLennan found that a vapor cloud was the initiating mechanism in 43 percent of the cases. Releases of liquefied dense gases have caused many of the reported UVCEs. Such heavy gases tend to hug the ground with limited dispersion in ambient air; this condition results in accumulation of these gases where they can cause maximum casualties to people and damage to property, if ignited. Notwithstanding, releases of mammoth amounts of compressed natural gas from ruptured pipelines have caused vapor cloud explosions. As an example, in 1969 a 356-mm (14-in) pipeline carrying natural gas at more than 5378 kPa gauge (780 psig) ruptured; about 8 to 10 min later the escaping gas exploded violently (National Transportation Safety Board, Pipeline Accident Report Mobil Oil Corporation, High-Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline Accident, Houston, Texas, September 9, 1969, NTBS-Par-71-1, Washington, D.C., 1971).

Elevated emergency unflared releases with vents of sufficient height normally do not cause damaging overpressure at the ground, if accidentally ignited (Bodurtha, “Vent Heights for Emergency Releases of Heavy Gases,” Plant/Operations Prog., vol. 7, no. 2, April 1988, pp. 122–126). Numerous tests on dispersion of heavy gases and on causes of UVCEs have been performed in recent years. Dispersion tests and computer models based on them may not be representative of all conditions at a plant, however, because of equipment plus heat sources that cause better spreading of a plume than is modeled in tests.

Moreover, vapors flashed from release of a liquefied gas will be cold; such vapors flowing over warmer ground may promote atmospheric instability with accompanying turbulence and, thereby, cause more mixing with ambient air than in some tests. In addition, some tests have been so-called meteorological area sources, while the dispersion equations are generally meteorological point sources. (Only concentrations relatively close to the location of discharge of the vapors will be affected by this difference in sources.) Also, the momentary concentration of a combustible gas or flammable vapor is the important duration of a concentration for UVCEs; not all dispersion models specify their averaging time of concentrations. Thus, predictions of concentrations must be treated as estimates.

(Source: Handbook "Perry 1999")

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