The main business of most chemical companies is to manufacture products through the control of reactive chemicals. The reactivity that makes chemicals useful can also make them hazardous. Therefore, it is essential that people who design or operate chemical processes understand the nature of the reactive chemicals involved. Usually reactions are carried out without mishaps, but sometimes chemical reactions get out of control because of problems such as using the wrong raw material, using raw materials containing trace impurities, changed operating conditions, unanticipated time delays, equipment failure, or wrong materials of construction.
Such mishaps can be worse if the chemistry is not fully understood. A chemical plant can be inherently safer if knowledge of the chemistry of the process and the reactive chemicals systems involved is used in its design.
Reactive Hazard Review Reactive hazards should be evaluated using reviews on all new processes and on all existing processes on a periodic basis. There is no substitute for experience, good judgment, and good data in evaluating potential hazards. Reviews should include:
1. Review of process chemistry, including reactions, side reactions, heat of reaction, potential pressure buildup, and characteristics of intermediate streams
2. Review of reactive chemicals test data for evidence of flammability characteristics, exotherms, shock sensitivity, and other evidence of instability
3. Review of planned operation of process, especially the possibility of upsets, modes of failure, unexpected delays, redundancy of equipment and instrumentation, critical instruments and controls, and worst-credible-case scenarios
Thinking At every point in the operation, the process designer should conceive of the worst possible combination of circumstances that could realistically exist, such as loss of cooling water, power failure, wrong combination or amount of reactants, wrong valve position, plugged lines, instrument failure, loss of compressed air, air leakage, loss of agitation, deadheaded pumps, and rawmaterial impurities. An engineering evaluation should then be made of the worst-case
the worst case occurs. A HAZOP study could be used to help accomplish worst-case thinking. When the process designers know what the worst-case conditions are, they should:
1. Try to avoid worst-case conditions.
2. Be sure adequate redundancy exists.
3. Identify and implement lines of defense.
a. Preventive measures
b. Corrective measures
Sometimes, as a last resort, it may be desirable to use a high degree of process containment or, possibly, abandon the process if the hazard is unacceptable. It is important to note that the worst case should be something that is realistic, not something that is conceivable but extremely unlikely. The Dow Chemical Company has adopted the following philosophy for design scenarios in terms of independent causative effects:
1. All single events that can actually and reasonably occur are credible scenarios.
2. Scenarios that require the coincident occurrence of two or more totally independent events are not credible design scenarios.
3. Scenarios that require the occurrence of more than two events in sequence are not credible.
4. A failure that occurs while an independent device is awaiting repair represents but one failure during the time frame of the initiation of the emergency and is therefore credible. The lack of availability of the unrepaired device is a preexisting condition
Reactive Chemicals Testing
Much reactive chemical information involves thermal stability and the determination of ;
(1) the temperature at which an exothermic reaction starts,
(2) the rate of reaction as a function of temperature,
(3) heat generated per unit mass of material.
The evaluation of thermal stability requires the determination of the temperature at which an exothermic reaction occurs, the rate of such a reaction as a function of temperature, and the heat generated per unit mass of material by the reaction. In many cases, data on the increase of pressure during a reaction are also required, especially for vent sizing. The term onset temperature Tonset is used in two contexts:
1. In a testing context, it refers to the first detection of exothermic activity on the thermogram. The differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) has a scan rate of 10°C/min, whereas the accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC)* has a sensitivity of 0.02°C/min. Consequently, the temperature at which thermal activity is detected by the DSC can be as much as 50°C different from ARC data.
2. The second context is the process reactor. There is a potential for a runaway if the net heat gain of the system exceeds its total heat loss capability. A self-heating rate of 3°C/day is not unusual for a monomer storage tank in the early stages of a runaway. This corresponds to 0.00208°C/min, 10 percent of the ARC’s detection limit. ARC data for the stored chemical would not show an exotherm until the self-heating rate was 0.02°C/min. Therefore, onset temperature information from ARC testing must be used with considerable caution!
Dust Explosions
Combustible, dusty materials, with particle sizes less than approximately 200 mesh, can explode if a sufficient concentration in air is present along with an ignition source. The standard test has been designed to determine rates of pressure rise during an explosion, the maximum pressure reached, and the minimum energy needed to ignite the material. These data are useful in the design of safe equipment to handle dusty combustible materials in a process. Combustible dusts need a minimum volume to develop their full reaction velocity. Bartknecht states that for determination of explosion data of combustible dusts, a minimum volume of 16 L (4.23 gal) would be required to ensure correlation with data from large test vessels (Bartknecht, 1981, p. 39). This has been confirmed by comprehensive testing with a 20-L (5.28-gal) sphere.
Source: Perry 1999
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