Saturday 12 September 2009

Gas dispersion

Gas dispersion (or vapor dispersion) is used to determine the consequences of a release of a toxic or flammable material. Typically, the calculations provide an estimate of the area affected and the average vapor concentrations expected. In order to make this determination, one must know the release rate of the gas (or the total quantity released) and the atmospheric conditions (wind speed, time of day, cloud cover).

The steps required to utilize a gas dispersion model are:
1. Identify the scenario. What can go wrong to result in the loss of containment of the material?
2. Develop an appropriate source model to calculate the release rate or total quantity released based on the specified
3. Use an appropriate gas dispersion model to estimate the consequences.
4. Determine if the resulting consequence is acceptable. If not, then something must be changed to reduce the consequence

Calculations and experiments have demonstrated that even the release of a small quantity of toxic or flammable material can have a significant consequence. Thus, it is clear that the best procedure is to prevent the release in the first place. However, release mitigation must be a part of any process safety program. Release mitigation involves: (1) detecting the release as early as possible, (2) stopping the release as quickly as possible, and (3) invoking a mitigation/emergency response procedure to reduce the consequences of the release.

Parameters Affecting Gas Dispersion

A wide variety of parameters affect the dispersion of gases. These include: (1) wind speed, (2) atmospheric stability, (3) local terrain characteristics, (4) height of the release above the ground, (5) release geometry, i.e. from a point, line, or area source, (6) momentum of the material released, and (7) buoyancy of the material released.

As the wind speed is increased, the material is carried downwind faster, but the material is also diluted faster by a larger quantity of air. Atmospheric stability depends on the wind speed, the time of day, and the solar energy input. During the day, the air temperature is at a maximum at the ground surface as a result of radiative heating of the ground from the sun. At night, radiative cooling of the ground occurs, resulting in an air temperature which is low at ground level, increases with height until a maximum is reached, and then decreases with further height. Terrain characteristics affect the mechanical mixing of the air as it flows over the ground. Thus, the dispersion over a lake is different from the dispersion over a forest or a city of tall buildings.

Gaussian Dispersion

Gaussian dispersion is the most common method for estimating dispersion due to a release of vapor. The method applies only for neutrally buoyant clouds and provides an estimate of average downwind vapor concentrations. Since the concentrations predicted are time averages, it must be considered that local concentrations might be greater than this average; this result is important when estimating dispersion of highly toxic materials where local concentration fluctuations light have a significant impact on the consequences.

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