Monday, 10 August 2009


The use of inert atmospheres should be considered to prevent fires and deflagrations when using flammable materials. However, inert atmospheres can be dangerous to personnel. One of the most important concerns in the use of an inert atmosphere is that it can kill if a person breathes it. The air we normally inhale contains about 21 percent O2, 79 percent N2, and small amounts of other components. Inhaling air containing less than about 16 percent oxygen causes dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and headache. One or two breaths of pure nitrogen and some other gases containing no oxygen can be lethal. Other gases of this type include methane, ethane, acetylene, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, hydrogen, argon, neon, helium, and some others. Oxygen in the lungs is washed out and replaced by gas containing no oxygen. Blood from the lungs receives insufficient oxygen and flows to the brain, where tissues rapidly become deficient. Within five seconds of inhaling only a few breaths of oxygen-free gas, there can be mental failure and coma. Symptoms or warnings are generally absent. Death follows in two to four minutes. However, a coma due to lack of oxygen is not always fatal. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques should be used on persons who are not breathing due to lack of oxygen (Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.; Zabetakis, Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and Vapors, Bulletin 627, Bureau of Mines, 1965).

Gases which act as simple asphyxiants, such as nitrogen and helium, merely displace oxygen in the atmosphere so that the concentration falls below that needed to maintain consciousness. There are also chemical asphyxiants, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanide, which have a specific blocking action and prevent a sufficient supply of oxygen from reaching the body. Most deaths due to short-term gassing are caused by carbon monoxide (Lees, Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Butterworths, London, 1980, p. 646).

Effects of Low Oxygen Levels
There are many factors which can affect the ability of human beings to adjust to lower oxygen levels. For example, two men were accidentally exposed to a low oxygen level in a vessel. One of them died, and one survived without permanent injury. The one who died had been in poorer general health and it is believed that this factor may have made the low oxygen level fatal for him, while the other person, who was in good health, survived. It is well known that people accustomed to living near sea level can take several days to adjust fully to the lower amount of oxygen available in mountainous regions such as Denver, Colorado. Anyone who has traveled to the top of Pike’s Peak knows how the altitude can make one tired, lethargic, and even sick. People react differently, however, and one cannot generalize as to exactly how a person will react to lower oxygen levels and higher altitudes.

Minimum Oxygen Limits
Oxygen limits are set at 19.5 percent minimum as recommended by OSHA and the American Standards Institute. Michigan has adopted these guidelines as well and has defined grade D air for O2 to be 19.5 percent to 23.5 percent as an obligation to the employee by their employer. The Ontario Ministry of Labour designates enclosures containing less than 18 percent O2 as hazardous.

Inerting Monomer Storage Tanks with Nitrogen
It is good practice to keep the vapor space of flammable liquids out of the flammable range. Monomers that can potentially polymerize require special consideration. The vapor space above some monomers, such as styrene and methyl acrylate, should be kept below about 10 percent oxygen in warm weather to be below the flammable range. For many of these monomers, a small amount of oxygen is required to maintain the activity of the inhibitor and to avoid polymerization in storage tanks, which could lead to overheating and explosions and fire. An oxygen concentration of 5 percent in the vapor space is recommended as a safety factor to stay out of the flammable range and maintain inhibitor activity. Maintaining an inert atmosphere for these applications can be difficult, since usually nitrogen is available as a high-purity gas, and it is necessary to add a small amount of oxygen (usually air) to the nitrogen to achieve the desired oxygen concentration. Mixing air and nitrogen has not proven to be a reliable method of maintaining the proper inert pad in the past. This is because instrument failure has caused high nitrogen concentration, which in turn has caused storage vessels to polymerize. One alternative to consider is the use of membrane systems, such as those sold by Generon Systems and other suppliers. This system can produce 95/5 percent nitrogen/oxygen for inerting, using plant compressed air available at 65 psig (449 kPa gauge). This system has an inherently stable output when operating at a specific pressure drop because the pressure drop across the membrane module sets the nitrogen purity.

Nitrogen is often the preferred gas for providing an inert atmosphere. In general, most organic combustible compounds will not propagate flame if oxygen in the mixtures of the
organic vapor, inert gas, and air is below about 10 percent and 13 percent, with nitrogen and carbon dioxide, respectively, as the inert gases. With carbon dioxide, the minimum oxygen concentration is higher than with nitrogen because carbon dioxide has a higher specific heat. Carbon dioxide is fairly soluble in many liquids and will react with alkaline
materials, so its use as an inerting material is limited. Heavy gases such as carbon dioxide provide superior inerting of vent stacks to prevent air entry. Water vapor is a good inerting gas if the temperature is high enough (above about 80 to 85°C [176 to 185°F]).

The use of an inert atmosphere can virtually eliminate the possibility of explosions and fire with flammable materials. However, inerting systems can be quite expensive and difficult to operate successfully and can be hazardous to personnel. Before using inert systems, alternatives should be explored, such as using nonflammable materials or operating below the flammable range.

Source: Perry 1999